Beyond Acronyms: Strengthening Workplaces in an Evolving Landscape
March 19,
9:05 AM - 9:35 AM
Lafite 4-9
Here’s the truth: what you prioritize shapes your outcomes. As workplaces continue to evolve, wrestle with RTO polices, classification of work styles, generational shifts in representation, transfer of knowledge, networks, and processes how do attendees continue to embed the importance of diversity and inclusion efforts. Panelists will share case study, insights and predictions given their acumen, experience across geographies and industries, that have stood the tests of political, social, shareholder AND stakeholder climates over time. A powerful exchange that will leave you inspired and questioning how to do more.

Bernard Coleman
SVP of People
Swing Education

Torin Ellis
The Torin Ellis Brand

La Nise Hagan

Dr. Nancy Nazer