Kenneth Matos, Ph.D. is Director of Market Insights - HCM at HiBob. He leads HiBob’s research on global trends in employee experience and HR best practices. Dr. Matos uses that research to educate the HiBob and media communities on the strategic impact of emerging trends in human capital management and people analytics. Prior to HiBob, Dr. Matos led a global consulting team advising organizations on how best to collect, interpret, and respond to HR data and insights. His published research covers issues of inclusion, employee experience and wellbeing, leadership, and organizational culture. He completed his undergraduate work in psychology at Amherst College, received his master’s in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University, and earned his Ph.D. in I/O Psychology at The George Washington University. Dr. Matos is an accomplished speaker on issues of engagement, inclusion, remote and flexible work, and workplace culture.