The Digital Transformation of Skills-Based Hiring
March 17,
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Recruiting and retaining skilled talent will be a critical challenge and opportunity for employers, whether large or small. Understanding and utilizing new and emerging digital transformation tools to implement skills-based practices, including hiring, will be essential to increasing competitiveness. However, given how new and novel many of these tools are, few employers have had access to them let alone experience. This workshop is intended to introduce attendees to many for these new tools and approaches that HR leaders and tech providers can begin using as early as today to advance a wide variety of skills-based practices to advance business strategy and competitiveness.

Taylor Hansen
Executive Director, Policy & Programs
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

Gregory Summers
Orion Talent

Courtney Hills McBeth
Chief Academic Officer & Provost
Western Governors University

Lisa Lutz

Peter Beard
VP, Policy & Programs
US Chamber of Commerce Foundation